These are very serious times with very serious consequences. It is important for people to become educated about events like those transpiring around us; and they are not isolated. Simply open the pages of a history book and you can find that situations like these have played out in almost every major civilization dating back to ancient times. Most notably, because of its recency, is pre-WW2 Germany.
A nation whose currency had been inflated to the point of worthlessness in an attempt to pay off their enormous debts. Peoples lives were destroyed, their savings evaporated into thin air. Simple necessities like food and water and heat were unattainable for most. The fear of uncertainty gripped the nation; the people were desperate for help and answers. Then, during a meeting in Munich on November 8, 1923 the hall was over run by militants and a man took the stage and delivered a speech, to a literally captive audience, that would change the world. He gave the people a scapegoat for the tragedy they had suffered and promised a way out. That man was Adolf Hitler.
Think about what happened.... There was an entire middle class of people who were going through hard times because their government was in debt. Jobs and incomes began to slip away. The quality of life they had grown accustomed to began to fade. They began to lean more and more on their government while trading their liberties for perceived safety. Their government inflated their currency to worthlessness. The middle class (largest portion of the population) lost everything; savings, jobs, homes, etc. They were scared and looking for help. The fingers were pointed at the Wealthiest citizens who had planned ahead (who at that time happened to be the Jews), and the new governmental leaders promised to even things out. They imprisoned the wealthy, took the remaining liberties from the population and followed their own private adjenda. The middle class was never given the opportunity to rebuild itself, all of the promises were false, the people were herded up like sheep because they were to scared to take control themselves.
The early stages sound strangely familiar dont they?
we are entrenched within the same story line unless we as a nation decide, at this pivitol point, that we would rather change for the better and retake the reins of responsibility and freedom.