Atlantic Energy Solutions (AESO:OTC) $0.08
I believe that I may have found a recession proof, or rather a recession loving company. They are in the business of finding more cost effective energy solutions for other businesses. It does seem that during times of recession most businesses will look to cut costs as much as possible and you can only fire so many employees right? All signs are pointing to a more severe, long term recession, as I would think that many businesses would be looking to do two things: get as lean as possible to weather the coming years and also cut energy prices as the cost of oil will not stay low for very long.
If you look at the companies chart below you'll notice that as the market crash occurred their stock price soared, and as the market bottomed and the rally occurred their stock tanked backwards. It could be a beautiful sign.
The only potential negative that I could find had to do with the correlation between oil prices and their stock price. It could be that their PPS increased with the oil price until about July 2008. From there the price of oil crashed but their PPS Continued higher until about February 2009. Did the PPS simply lag behind the price of oil? Is the PPS increase related more to the drop in stocks or the rise in oil? it seems alot closer to the drop in stock prices to me.....
AVERAGE GAS PRICE CHART(I couldn't get an oil chart picture on here)